Website Terms and Conditions

These Terms and Conditions, including the policies, set out herein (Terms), govern how Hostify (Pty) Ltd (we, our or Hostify) provide access and use of our website and related services.

Prior to using our website and making any purchase, please read through these Terms thoroughly.

By using our website, you signify your acceptance of these Terms and agree to adhere to them. If you do not agree with these Terms, you must stop using our website immediately.

We may make revisions to these Terms at any time without notice. Therefore, please ensure you review them regularly to keep up to date with any changes.

Furthermore, by continuing to use our website, you will be deemed to have agreed to any changes to these Terms.

Acceptable use

You agree that you may only use our website for:

  • your individual personal, non-commercial use (which at all times must be reasonable and not offensive); or
  • for purposes justifiably associated with making a purchasing through our website; or
  • obtaining information on or checking the appropriateness and availability of services on our website; or
  • submitting and sharing your opinions, reviews, and remarks on our website.


You agree that you shall not:

  • use, replicate, reuse or exploit any material connected with our website for any commercial purpose or any unlawful purposes; or
  • use our website in a manner that causes or may cause an abuse of the rights of any other party or which infringes any legal, regulatory, or any formally recognised codes of practice by any relevant authority; or
  • use our website in any manner that interferes with or inhibits the performance of the website or which interferes in any means with other users use of our website; or
  • gain, or attempt to gain, any unauthorised access to our website, or the personal information of other users and customers; or
  • remove, modify or obscure any copyright, trademark, or other proprietary notices connected with our website; or
  • use or give any false identity or deceptive information.

Registration and account security

To use the specific services provided or to access secure areas related to our website, you may need to register for an account. To register, you must be at least 18 years old.

Upon registering, you will need to set your login credentials, including an online ID and password. You are entirely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of your login credentials, which includes being exclusively accountable for all activities that occur under your account.

You must provide accurate and complete details upon registration. If your details change, please notify us of these changes by updating your details to ensure that our records remain correct.

You are not permitted to use any account that is registered to another account holder at any time without the explicit authorisation of the account holder and Hostify.

You agree to inform Hostify without delay of any actual or suspected unauthorised use of your account or any other breach of security.

You may be held liable for any losses or damages sustained by Hostify or any other user of our website resulting from another person using your Hostify account.

If Hostify has cause to believe that there is likely to be a breach of security or misuse of our website, we may require you to change your login credentials, or we may suspend your account.

Failure to abide by the registration and account security terms will constitute a breach of these Terms, which may result in immediate termination of your account. Further, Hostify reserves the right to refuse registration or cancel a user's account at its sole discretion.

User-generated content

You agree that any content you submit to Hostify in any manner, whether by way of comments, reviews, or ratings, to be included and displayed on our website, you grant Hostify non-exclusive, perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free rights and license to use, reproduce, distribute, modify and display such content in all media.

The content you submit shall be your own and must not be in any way an infringement of any other party's rights.

Hostify will not be responsible or liable for any user-generated content including, without limitation, any errors or omissions or inaccuracies, nor for any damage or loss sustained as a consequence of the use of any such content submitted and made available to Hostify. Furthermore, Hostify reserve the absolute right to remove any content you submitted on our website at any time, at our discretion, without notice.

Viruses and malicious technologies

Hostify shall not be liable for any loss or damage which arises as a consequence of any virus or other harmful or malicious technologies that may infect your computer equipment or data resulting from your use of our website.
We recommend you protect your computer equipment and data from exposure to viruses and other malicious software with appropriate anti-virus software and other suitable technological security measures. 

Website availability and accuracy

Whilst we endeavour to ensure our website is available for your use, Hostify accepts no liability for any disruption or non-availability of our website, including any failure, delay, error, or technical fault in any electronic transmission or user communication whatsoever.

Hostify makes every effort to ensure the content provided through our website is correct, up to date, and free from errors. However, to the extent permitted by law, we do not warrant, express, or implied the accuracy and completeness of the information displayed through our website.  

Hostify reserves the right to change, suspend or terminate the whole or any part of our website at any time, without notice.

Any reliance that you may place on the content or information provided through our website is solely at your own risk.

Website hosting services

Service availability

All website hosting services presented for purchase are subject to availability. They may alter, vary or cease at any time, without notice.

Hostify provides no warranty that the descriptions of the services are free from errors or inaccuracies.


You must be 18 years of age or older to place an order for a website hosting service and be able to enter into a legally binding contract.

Placing and accepting orders

Placing an order will amount to making an offer to purchase a website hosting service from Hostify.
Upon placing an order and your payment being debited by our third-party payment partner you will be sent an order confirmation email. A contract will be formed between you and Hostify upon the order being accepted.

Price and payment

The price provided to you, including any related fees, and applicable taxes, is the price indicated when you place an order.

Payments for all website hosting services can be made by either credit card, debit card, SCode, Masterpass, and Instant EFT through our third-party payment processor, FastPay, or crypto payments through our crypto payments partner, CoinPayments.

Certain circumstances that may be beyond our control may cause us to refuse to sell our website hosting services. However, Hostify reserves the right, at our discretion, to refuse sale for any reason.

Use of personal information

Our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, available on our website details how we collect and use your personal information. Your agreement with these Terms acknowledges your acceptance of the terms of these policies.

Links to other websites

From time to time, Hostify may provide hyperlinks to appropriately selected third-party websites for your convenience. However, this does not mean Hostify endorses these websites or accepts any responsibility, or warrants the content of these websites.

Intellectual property rights

All intellectual property rights, copyright, or trademarks on our website and all content, including without limitation the design, text, graphics, logos, and all software associated with our website, are owned by Hostify or our affiliates, including our licensors. All such rights are reserved.

You agree that accessing our website and its contents is solely for your personal, non-commercial related use.
You are prohibited from downloading, copying, reproducing, transmitting, storing, selling, or distributing any content without the prior written consent of Hostify except for the following:

  • you may view and display the contents contained on our website;
  • you may print or download extracts or entire pages contained on our website for your reference, but only if you do not remove any copyright notices from printouts and downloads.

You must not modify the paper or electronic copies of any content you have downloaded or printed off to any degree.

If you print off, copy or download any material contained on our website in breach of these Terms, your entitlement to use our website will end instantly. You shall, at our decision, return to Hostify or erase any copies of the materials you have produced.

Copyright infringement

Just as Hostify requires users to respect our copyright, we respect the copyrights of other parties. If you believe Hostify has reproduced your copyrighted work on our website, without authorisation, in a manner that is a copyright infringement, please get in contact with us.

Limitation of liabilities

To the maximum extent permitted by law, Hostify and any of its affiliates (if any) will not be liable for any damages, including without limitation any direct, indirect, or compensatory loss, loss of profit, income, revenue, or data that you may succumb that arises out of or in connection with your use of our website.

These Terms do not reduce your rights under relevant laws or other statutory rights, nor do they deny or limit the liability of Hostify to you for personal injury or death caused by our neglect or fraudulent misrepresentation, or any other liability, which may not be omitted by relevant law.


You agree to the maximum extent permitted by law to wholly indemnify Hostify and any of its affiliates (if any) from and against all liabilities, demands, costs, damages, losses, and expenses (including reasonable legal costs) incurred by Hostify or any of its affiliates resulting from any breach of these Terms, or our Privacy Policy or relevant laws or regulations or claims resulting from your neglectful, fraudulent, or illegal activities that infringe any other party.


If any part of these Terms is found to be legally invalid or unenforceable under any applicable law, the invalid or unenforceable provision will not result in these Terms being wholly unenforceable or invalid, and that invalid or unenforceable provision will be withdrawn without affecting the other provisions.

Entire agreement

These Terms represent the whole agreement and supersede all prior agreements and understandings between Hostify and you concerning your use of our website.


Hostify reserves the absolute authority to terminate your continued use of our website if we conclude at our sole discretion that you have breached the Terms.

Jurisdiction and applicable law

These Terms will be governed by and construed following South African law, and you submit to the jurisdiction of the South African courts for the resolution of any disputes.

Contact us

If you have any questions concerning these Terms, or you would like to make a complaint or have any other queries, you can email us at